Monday, October 29, 2012

Chilled Lettuce Soup

Last night I fell asleep reading a recipe book.   Next thing I know it is all over the internet.  I guess the Chilled Lettuce Soup I was going to make for mom and dad, is no longer going to be a suprise.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

I've been really fiesty over the last couple of weeks.  Below are some of my most often used phrases, conversations and other random quotes.

Common phrases
  • Hey guys...
  • Ta da!
  • Guys, I want to tell you something
  • I want to ask you a question
  • You're a butt face
  • I like it so so so so so much
  • ...but I really want to.  Really, I do.
  • No more questions!  I don't want to hear any more questions
Random thoughts
  • Guys, what did we do when we were little?
  • Why is there space?
  • When I'm big I'm going to go to work and take you and mom to school/Casa 1.
  • I like all the colors, except dark blue.  I don't like dark blue.

  • Dad, try to not fall in the pond
  • Dad, try to not crash the car
Mystery words:
  • Munjago - adjective or adverb with no clear meaning
    • adjective:  It's a munajgo basket
    • adverb: Watch it monjago spin
  • Zaso Baso - noun; apparently a deragatory word, for what, no one knows.
    • No, your'e a zaso baso.

  • Spencer:  Hey mom do you know how to work the DVD player?
  • No reponse
  • Spencer:  Mom, I'm talking to you!  Do you know how to work the DVD player?   Yes or No?!?
  • Mom: Yes
  • Spencer: (to dad) Mom knows how to work the DVD player.

  • Spencer:Where do monsters live?
  • Dad:  Nebraska
  • Spencer:  Is Nebraska dirty?
  • Dad: Yes
  • Spencer:  Monsters live in Nebraska because it's dirty and people don't want to live there

  • Spencer:  I want to read this book
  • Dad:  It's a cookbook.  There aren't really any stories in there
  • Spencer:  It has words.  We have to read them.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rough Day

Man, what a rough day.  First, I played golf early in the morning.  Then, I went to swimming lessons.  I came back, did some art work, then played football with dad for a long time - it involved lots of running, tackling, throwing and catching. That was followed up by cheering the Hawkeyes on to a dramatic win over Michigan State - which from the words coming out of dad's mouth, may be as disliked as much as Iowa State.  Phew, that is exhausting.  And I even slept in today (until 7)!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monster Hunter

Danger is everywhere. Everywhere, I tell you.  So I have had to take up hunting monsters on a daily basis.  It's all up to me to round them up and kick them out of the house on a daily basis.  The one unanswered question I have is what are mom and dad doing that continually allows the monsters to come back in the room?  Alas, I will probably never know the answer to that.
Over time, my bed time routine has been evolving.  Around 7:30 every night I am escorted upstairs to brush my teeth.  Afterwards, I am read three stories of my choosing...this has quickly become one of my favorite activities.  After my stories I am tucked into bed, but before mom and dad can leave the room, I remind them we need to get the monsters out.  I used to leave the monster round up to just mom and dad, but after a couple of weeks I realized they weren't doing a good enough job so I had to help out.  Not only do I get all the monsters in my room, I clean them out of mom and dad's room as well as the other rooms, including the bathroom.  That's the kind of person I am...always thinking of the well being of others.

After escorting the monsters out, we head back to bed.  Then, for the only time in the day, every day, I am suddenly aware that I have to go the bathroom.  After a trip to the bathroom (which usually involves asking numerous questions and throwing shampoo bottles) we head back to bed.  Then I make my final request - a fresh glass of water.  Left over water from the previous night is just yucky.

This week, I made a terrigying discovery...monsters don't just come out at night...I've started to find them in the daylight, too.  Morning monsters are rounded up and grounded with dad's coffee beans and then made into coffee.  Those that aren't turned into coffee are escorted out of the house.

It takes a lot of working keeping mom and dad safe.