As I get older and wiser with each passing day, I find it incumbent upon myself to fix things up around the house. Mom and Dad sure aren't going to do it. No matter how many times I point out light bulbs or batteries that need to be replaced, Mom and Dad never seem too quick to just drop everything and fix it right then and there on the spot.
One of my favorite activities has been to take the screw driver out of the kitchen drawer and promptly begin unscrewing the hinges off the kitchen cabinets. I like to tell Dad that I do it because "I need to."
I've also been active helping Dad clean up his room...I mean it's only been about a year since they moved it, so obviously it would seem natural that he still has numerous boxes unpacked. I wonder what he spends all his time doing that prevents him from cleaning? Oh well, I helped give an inspection of his clothes cabinet.
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