Friday, September 16, 2011

Lil' Barista

Lately I have really been honing on my barista skills and insist on making coffee almost every morning. I wake up, run to the stairs and declare "I'm making coffee, Daddy." We run down the stairs, change our diapers and get the coffee ready for the day. My favorite activity is grinding the beans.

It didn't take long and I was able to master the barista artform...I sure would like to be able to experience the fruits of my labor. I feel one of the keys is to become one with the beans, you know...develop a relationship with them. I have started to talk to the beans before grinding them now, a process I call "Helloing the Beans". The odd thing is, once I feel I've connected with the beans on a personal level, it is really hard for me to grind them. So the "Helloing the Beans" process lasts for 10-15 minutes with much internal debate of whether I can/should grind my new legume friends

I'm not all task and manual labor. My personality is growing as well.

- August 23rd, I said "I love you" the first time - to Mom. Dad was a few days later.

- Morning of September 10th, Dad made yet another mistake...he gave me my morning Orange Peach Mango drink in normal, glass glass (not my old plastic glass). Obviously, the next morning, I expected to drink from Daddy's football glass again...when that didn't happen, I let my feelings known.

- Evening of September 10th, I saw fireworks for the first time. I was really excited and talked about them all day long. Then, I actually witnessed them. Actual conversation:
Spencer: "I saw fireworks"
Mom and Dad: "Did you like them?"
Spencer: "No. Too loud"

The next morning, the same conversation occurred with the same result.

1 comment:

James C Hamilton said...

With your walk/ride around the me lake and barista skills, you are developing talents beyond your age. Grandma Hamilton and I look forward to seeing you sometime soon.

I'm writing this in Middlesborough, England, waiting for my Captain Cook Conference to begin. Grandpa H