It didn't take long and I was able to master the barista artform...I sure would like to be able to experience the fruits of my labor. I feel one of the keys is to become one with the beans, you know...develop a relationship with them. I have started to talk to the beans before grinding them now, a process I call "Helloing the Beans". The odd thing is, once I feel I've connected with the beans on a personal level, it is really hard for me to grind them. So the "Helloing the Beans" process lasts for 10-15 minutes with much internal debate of whether I can/should grind my new legume friends
I'm not all task and manual labor. My personality is growing as well.
- August 23rd, I said "I love you" the first time - to Mom. Dad was a few days later.
- Morning of September 10th, Dad made yet another mistake...he gave me my morning Orange Peach Mango drink in normal, glass glass (not my old plastic glass). Obviously, the next morning, I expected to drink from Daddy's football glass again...when that didn't happen, I let my feelings known.
- Evening of September 10th, I saw fireworks for the first time. I was really excited and talked about them all day long. Then, I actually witnessed them. Actual conversation:
Spencer: "I saw fireworks"
Mom and Dad: "Did you like them?"
Spencer: "No. Too loud"
The next morning, the same conversation occurred with the same result.