Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow More than a Spencer High

Whoa Nellie - did we get some snow! Last Saturday, it snowed for about 24 hours, dropped 15-18 inches, and winds over 30mph. A long day of just sitting in the window and watching. After shoveling, the piles of snow are much taller than me. If it was drifting, I have yet to see any of the low points. So, on Saturday, I spent some quality time with Ma and Pa. Sunday, after Dad shoveled, I braved the cold and stepped outside to survey the homestead.

There was even more in the backyard.

I can't remember the last time I saw this much snow!

After I came in from the snow, I hung out with Mom and Dad and said this for the first time (it's not puppy - I've been identifying everything as a puppy for a long time)...

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