Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It was quite a Happy Halloween. Technically, it was my second Halloween, but this was the first time I am able to participate at full force. After much ballyhoo and debate, I went as a duck. My second favorite choice was a pumpkin. I waged a successful protest against my parents choice as a rabbit. I visited about 4-5 neighbors and got some Teddy Grahms from my buddy, Ed. Overall, it was a goodtime.

The Halloween festivities actually started a couple of weeks ago when I chose my pumpkin.

I spent the day before Halloween helping mom and dad carve the pumpkin. As you can see, I was very instrumental in the cleaning and sculpting of the pumpkin.

After cleaning the pumpkin, I helped mom carve the pumpkin and shape the mouth.

After all my hard work, I decided we were done, put the top on the pumpkin and put the tools away.

And my of my piece de resistance...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spencer, next year you may want to try putting ears on the pumpkin like your Great Grandpa John. Cut an acorn squash in half lenght- wise, make a few holes in the pumpkin and squash so light shows through. Nail the squash to the pumpkin and he has scary ears, almost like Spock. GAunt Karla