You know what? Snow is cold. It's really cold. Especially when you fall face first into a snowbank. Someone giggling at your stinging, snow covered face doesn't exactly make you feel any better, either. Even though snow can be a lot of fun, a lot of snow does not equate to a lot of fun. The good news, is so far, I have been able to avoid the yellow snow.
Our 15 inch blizzard from a couple of weeks ago was followed up with two more 4 inch snowfalls. Good thing Mom and Dad got me my own snow shovel for Christmas! I get them a new TV and Blu-ray player - they get me a snow shovel and broom with dust pan. What the deal? Dad and I spent a lot of the Christmas weekend shoveling. It was lot of work - but we made it through.
I like going out and inspecting the snow progress; although, I am running out of places to put snow in the backyard. I can't even make to my own car or house.
You know what's not funny? Being involuntary placed waste deep into a snowbank - not once, but twice! Ooh this was not funny. Immediately afterwards, I fell face first into the snowbank. Thankfully for myself, it was not caught on tape, because my reaction was less than pleased.
Sitting in a snowbank isn't so awful if someone does it with you. Dad and I took a break and sat in the snow together. Ahh, there is nothing quite like a good sit. This is the only evidence of Big Butt and Little Butt taking resting.
It's not all work though, snow can be fun, too.
Snow is fun to play with too! Mom brought some inside for me to try out.