Monday, January 30, 2012

New Year Fondue PSA: Fon-"do and dont's"

Happy New Year - I know it's a little late, but honestly the party doesn't ever stop with me. I had a great New Year's. I brought in the New Year in style...fonduing. It was a lot of fun...oranges, strawberries, bananas, marshmellows and Oreo cookies dipped in chocolate. What could go wrong. I had a lot of fun dipping my food in chocolate. My favorite were the oranges; suprisingly I didn't find the marshmellow's as appealing. I learned a lot though, dipping bananas in chocolate - that certainly is a Fun-do. Scraping the metal tongs across the pot - that most definitely is a fon-don't.

Yessir, it was a good new year celebration, but the fun didn't end there. I kept Mom and Dad on their toes. On Monday, the 2nd I told dad to "cut me some slack" - a phrase he often utters to me when I am letting him know he is not quite meeting my expectations of speed and mind reading. On Wednesday, the 4th, I shocked Mom and Dad on the ride home from school by counting from 1 to German. The next day, I suprised Mom and Dad on the way home by singing Salt-N-Pepa's "Shoop" to the radio.